This is not a solicitation or advertisement. I’m a lawyer representing a former driver who filed a lawsuit for himself and other drivers against a company called M&M Limousine. The lawsuit is Zebedee Turner, et al. v. M&M Limousine Service, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:23-cv-4740. It’s currently pending in the federal district court for the Northern District of Illinois.

The court authorized my firm to conduct a short survey of people who have worked as M&M Limousine drivers at any time since April 25, 2013. You’ve received this letter because M&M Limousine identified you as one such person. If that is incorrect, please disregard this letter.

The survey has four questions and should take about one minute. You can complete the survey by filling out the enclosed self-addressed stamped form. You can also access and submit the survey online using the QR code below or by clicking here. If you take the survey online, you’ll need to enter the following password: survey2023!

QR Code

Your participation is completely voluntary. Your answers will be treated as confidential and won’t be used for any commercial purpose. If you have any questions, you can reach me at 617-231-6777 or at

Brant Casavant
Fair Work P.C.